Handmade Market 2024
Time and location
Friday, November 15, 3 pm to 7 pm
Saturday, November 16, 9:30 am to 3 pm Trappe Fire House, 4001 Powell Avenue, Trappe, MD |
How do I fill out the vendor tag?
Download the instructions here.
Who do I contact for information?
Contact Pat Massimini by email ([email protected]) or phone (703-336-3796) to get started or to ask questions.
Who can participate?
Any member of Bayside Quilters is welcome to participate. If someone wants to participate who is not a member, you can refer them to Pat for approval.
How do you get started?
Contact Pat and she will give you a vendor number. You will use that on all of your items to allow us to track the sales and reimburse you after the sale.
How are the sales split?
If you sell an item, you will get 70% of the sale price and Bayside Quilters will get 30%. If you would like to donate all of your proceeds to Bayside Quilters, let Pat know.
How does the price get set?
You are responsible for setting the price.
How do you prepare your items?
The only thing you need to do is prepare a vendor tag for each item and attach it with a safety pin or ribbon to your item. The vendor tag is available for download above. In addition to the price, the tag includes the vendor number that you will get from Pat, the category of the item (the list will be available soon), the size (lap / throw / twin...) if it is a quilt, and any other short description you would like to include.
When do you drop off and pick up your items?
You will drop off your sale items on Friday, November 15 around 9 am and pick them up on Saturday, November 16 after 3 pm.
What happens to items that don't sell?
Nothing. If something doesn't sell, you will pick it up after the sale ends.