December 11, 2024: Holiday Brunch
This year's holiday luncheon was lovely, with many thanks to Jo Verne for her heroic efforts to organize the event and decorate the tables so beautifully. Katie Wyatt and Jaftex provided an extraordinary selection of fabrics for door prizes. And everyone who attended received a lovely door prize compliments of Bayside.
November 15-16, 2024: Handmade Market
In 2024 Bayside Quilters hosted the annual Handmade Market on November 15-16 featuring items made by the guild members. It was a great opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts and other special treats. There were hundreds of quilts, small and large, and of every style and color. There was also a rich variety of home decoration items, including aprons, potholders, placemats, rope bowls, bowl cozies, pillowcases, and coasters. Other handmade treasures include pillows and stuffed animals for children, tote bags and cosmetic bags, Christmas decorations, and gift baskets.
November 13, 2024: Demos on Stem Stitch, Big Stitch, Machine Applique and Quilt Journals
Several of our talented Bayside members joined forces to share some of their favorite techniques with us. Marianne Hamilton demonstrated the stem stitch; Kin West showed us her Big Stitch technique; Sharon Miller demonstrated her way of doing machine applique; and Lisa Schober described how she maintains a quilt journal.
November 13, 2024: Workshop on Sewing a Pineapple Block Using the Creative Grids Trim Tool
In this workshop, Michele Anstatt and Dael Cowdrey taught us how to use the Creative Grids Trim Tool. It’s really fun to use and the accuracy is amazing. Choose between two size blocks: a 6 inch mini or a larger 10 inch. Purchase of the appropriate sized ruler is recommended but not required. The blocks are appealing to both traditional and modern quilters, depending on your fabric choices.
November 15-16, 2024: Handmade Market
Thanks to everyone who made our 2024 Handmade Market an outstanding success! The quilts and other items for sale were creative and beautiful thanks to our talented members and other contributors. Our shoppers were pleased to find such treasures. Start making your next creations now for the November 2025 installment of this wonderful event.
October 16, 2024: Maker’s Day
Bayside quilters joined forces to create items to sell at the Handmade Market in November. Kits were provided and members created a pile of pillows, bags, and other small items for the Market. All proceeds from the sale of these items will go to the guild to fund our speakers and community work.
October 9, 2024 : Marianne Hamilton Scarlet Star Mini HST Workshop

Marianne held a class about half square triangles using triangle paper and starching your fabric.
October 9, 2024: Kay Butler Presenting Antique Quilts Trunk Show
Kay began her quilting journey 30 years ago when she first made an Amish crib quilt for her newborn daughter. The quilting stitches of that little Amish quilt were real toe catchers, but that first project fueled a lifelong passion of quilt adventures and quilting projects. Kay is a past president of the Heartland Quilt Guild of the Eastern Shore and the Helping Hands Quilt Guild of Dover. She is presently a member of five quilt guilds! She is an avid antique quilt collector, quilt historian and conservator and is a member of the American Quilt Study Group. She has taught in the Caroline County School for 31 years and is now embracing her retirement years teaching the next generation about quilting. Kay enjoys making patterns from antique quilts and reproduces those patterns with modern fabrics.
September 11, 2024: Kestrel Michaud
Kestrel labels herself as a classically-trained, imaginative realism fine artist with a passion for illustrating in fabric. Her art quilts are made with intricate fabric piecing which assembles into a quilt that looks like a beautiful painting. Her work has won more than 50 local, regional, national and international awards. Check out her website here.
June 12, 2024: Deborah Boschert
Deborah provided an overview of art quilting materials and techniques. Her art quilts are created with layers of fabric, paint and stitching. The personal symbols and details in her work reflect her experiences and feelings about places she’s lived and the things she’s done. In her art quilts, the tiny details are as important as the over-all design. As in life, every-day little joys complement the bigger adventures.
May 8, 2024: Rachel Derstine
Rachel joined us via Zoom to talk about where she gets inspiration for her art, including other artists, photographs, and influences from life experiences. She discussed how to make effective quilts using art concepts such as limiting the color palette, simplifying the background, using repetition of line, shapes, values and color throughout the work. She also taught a workshop on easy mini landscape quilting using fused applique techniques. This was our first workshop on Zoom and the feedback from the participants was very positive.
April 10 2024: Earth Day Challenge: Recycle /Upcycle

Bayside members shared the results of the Recycle/ Upcycle challenge. Approx. 25 members entered items into the challenge and all were happy to receive a prize. We had recycled clothing, jackets and dresses, dollies made into a table runner, jeans made into dresses and bags, a sweater made into a bag, a trinket
box from a valentine candy box, and a quilt from reused clothing. The program was fun and very entertaining. Alice Kish, Jeanne Hechmer and Becki Combs judged the entries and everyone that entered an item received a prize!
box from a valentine candy box, and a quilt from reused clothing. The program was fun and very entertaining. Alice Kish, Jeanne Hechmer and Becki Combs judged the entries and everyone that entered an item received a prize!
October 11, 2023: Eleanor Levie
Eleanor Levie presented “Rock your Quilt” at our meeting and then conducted a follow up class called “Weave a Quilt with Me” It was a lively and fun presentation and class.
September 13, 2023: Quick and Fun Projects Demonstrations
We had 3 presentations/demonstrations on some quick make-it ideas. We were very fortunate to be able to pull from our own talented Bayside membership for these presentations! Julia Cohoon demonstrated baskets made with clothesline rope; Marianne Hamilton and Dael Cowdrey showed us how to make wool miniature trees; and Alice Kish walked us through making sweater gloves.
July 2o23: Cindy Grisdela, "Anatomy of an Improv Quilt" and "Fabulous Freehand Curves"
Author and award winning artist Cindy Grisdela shared her tips and tricks in an entertaining lecture about the process for working improvisationally from start to finish. She also taught a class on how to create quilts with large scale curves freehand without templates or patterns. She showed us how to add dots, skinny lines, wonky triangles and more to give each curve its own personality, then combine them into a fun original design.
June 2023: T Carter, Indigenous Quilts
T’s quilts reveal history from many perspectives, including those of women, ordinary people, people of color and others whose voices have yet to be heard and whose stories remain untold. This collection includes a colorful variety of quilts inspired by Native American and Indigenous history, culture, and lifeways. Through star quilts, wildlife applique and beadwork, T shares stories passed down by the oral tradition and exposes hidden history.
January 2023: Portrait Quilts with a Modern Twist

Our first program in 2023 was provided by the Modern Quilt Group. Their Modern 2022 Challenge was to create a self portrait quilt, and it was indeed a challenge! The only constraints were that the quilt should be 18" x 24", with no other guidance on style or technique. The resulting quilts displayed the creativity and talent of the participating Modern Quilters. They shared their inspiration and techniques and reflected on the process and results.

There was also a display of Challenge quilts from the Modern Design and Critique Bee, which all included a blue hand-dyed fabric provided by Victoria McConnell. These quilts were displayed in the Talbot County Free Library in 2022 and also covered a wide range of techniques and themes.
December 2022 Holiday Party
We all were happy to share the holiday spirit with our quilting sisters at the 2022 party on December 14. Many thanks to Sharon Perry and her many helpers who prepared such lovely soups and salads. We all enjoyed the games, especially Jo Verne's Hawaiian-themed contest. Another round of thanks goes to Katie Wyatt, a Brand Ambassador for Jaftex Fabrics, and Scott Fortunoff, Owner/CEO of Jaftex. Scott donated many beautiful bundles of precuts (half yards, fat quarters, layer cakes and charm packs) to use as prizes for the raffle and games. What a treat!
November 2022 Class: Wool Applique Workshop, Merry Christmas Wreath Pillow
Marianne Hamilton and Dael Cowdrey taught a class on hand applique using wool, based on a kit and pattern by Primitive Gatherings. It was a great introduction to the techniques, materials and stitches needed to create a wool applique heirloom. Great job, Marianne and Dael!
November 2022 Program: Lyric Kinard, "Elements of Art for Every Quilter"
Lyric joined us via Zoom to walk us through a visually riveting presentation of elements of art and quilting that can make or break a creative piece. Lyric's enthusiasm is obvious and contagious, and it was a great way to spark up new levels of creativity. While we were not able to hold a Zoom connection at the meeting, Lyric graciously provided online access to the lecture for a week for those who could not see it online.
October 2022 Program: Sally Manke, "Be Inspired to Try Something New"
Sally presented a virtual trunk show that included a large collection of art and traditional quilts including their inspiration and fun info. She included information on how the quilts were made, special materials used and tips for you to create your own. Sally showed quilts using confetti art, raw edge appliqué, fiber painting and crazy mixed media techniques. |
September 2022 Program: Handwork Tutorials
Five of our very own accomplished quilters shared their handwork techniques with us, including wool applique, English paper piecing, needlepoint, hand quilting, and binding. They walked us through their processes and offered many tips on selection of materials and tools. Thank you Marianne, Lisa, Dael, Michelle, Sharon and Jan!
August 2022 30th Anniversary Luncheon and Quilt Challenge
July 2022 Program: Amy Friend, "Intentional Piecing"
June 2022 Program: Nicole Moore, "Best-Made Bags"

Nicole provided an overview of various types of bags, both simple and complex. She shared tips about what makes a quality handmade bag and reviewed stabilizers and interfacings that provide structure and durability to handmade bags. She also talked about a variety of bag hardware to take your creations to the next level. Click on the image to go to Nicole's website, which has a lot of resources on techniques and specific types of bags.
May 2022 Event: Outreach Sew In
Our Outreach Sew In was a great success – lots of work got done, and the pizza lunch was fantastic. Thanks, Chris, Jan, Kris and all the other volunteers for all the work to make it happen! And, of course, thanks to all our members who supported Outreach at the Sew In and during the year. Bayside appreciates all the efforts and so do the recipients of our hand made items.
April 2022 Program: Lilo Bowman, "Small Spaces, Tiny Studios"

Lilo Bowman, editor-in-chief of, was our April speaker via Zoom. She
spoke to us about how to organize even the tiniest of studios to be orderly and efficient. She used many examples of cramped spaces that were transformed into a marvel of efficiency after structured planning and organization. Lilo provided specific tips for being successful in reorganizing your sewing space, including asking a friend to help, making arrangements for donation, collecting many boxes and bins for sorting, doing a rough sort first, and purging without remorse. She referenced many useful products to make better use of your storage and work space, such as rolling file, drawer organizers and wire baskets. It was a great motivator to those of us who need to improve the organization of our sewing room--which is all of us!
Lilo donated 2 copies of her recent book, "Love Your Creative Space," to members of the guild who attended the lecture. The book is jammed packed with smart storage solutions, furniture, and accessories to help quilters keep their creativity on track. We thank Lilo for motivating us and arming us with such great ideas for the next cleanup.
spoke to us about how to organize even the tiniest of studios to be orderly and efficient. She used many examples of cramped spaces that were transformed into a marvel of efficiency after structured planning and organization. Lilo provided specific tips for being successful in reorganizing your sewing space, including asking a friend to help, making arrangements for donation, collecting many boxes and bins for sorting, doing a rough sort first, and purging without remorse. She referenced many useful products to make better use of your storage and work space, such as rolling file, drawer organizers and wire baskets. It was a great motivator to those of us who need to improve the organization of our sewing room--which is all of us!
Lilo donated 2 copies of her recent book, "Love Your Creative Space," to members of the guild who attended the lecture. The book is jammed packed with smart storage solutions, furniture, and accessories to help quilters keep their creativity on track. We thank Lilo for motivating us and arming us with such great ideas for the next cleanup.
March 2022 Program: Gyleen Fitzgerald, "Path to Modern"
Gyleen followed the presentation with the all-day class "Free Wheeling Circles". She promised us that most of would finish our quilt tops in one day using her raw-edge applique method, and she was right! She encouraged us to rather randomly build our blocks and then focus our design efforts on the final layout. We learned some new techniques, enjoyed our interaction with Gyleen, and had a great time meeting as a group after so many months without classes. Here are a few of the class quilts.
2022 Ocean City Retreat, February 20-24 at the Dunes Manor Hotel

Bayside Quilters were happy to be able to return to the Dunes Manor Hotel in Ocean City, MD, in 2022 after a year out for COVID to settle down. As always, everything was top notch: gourmet meals, outstanding view of the ocean and boardwalk, and excellent company. Thanks to Jan Bohn and Carol Clarke for organizing another wonderful getaway.
February 2022 Program: Kim Lapacek, Wildly Careening into Quilts
![]() Kim spoke to our group at the Trappe Fire Station via Zoom, sharing her quilt journey and her many amazing creations. She talked about Project Quilting and the challenges that have inspired her and many others to experiment with new techniques and styles. She also described how quilt-alongs have stimulated her creativity and honed her piecing skills. She shared photos of many beautiful quilts that showed her progression as a quilter. It was inspiring and fun, and we thank Kim for a great program. Kim's website can be found at
2021 Annual Christmas Luncheon
Our 2021 Annual Christmas Luncheon was a great success, in spite of concerns about COVID. It was great to be together with folks we hadn't seen for months. The games and prizes were loads of fun and the food was sublime. Many thanks to the Luncheon Committee of Sharon Perry, Jo Verne, Jackie Granger with additional thanks to Lou Diefenderfer.
They Couldn't Vote, but..."1920 Challenge"
In honor of this year being the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, Bayside is inviting all members to participate in a quilt challenge. Your challenge leaders have selected 15 period blocks, both pieced and appliqued, and we invite you to adapt, interpret or reproduce one or more of these blocks in a small challenge quilt.
The only parameter for the challenge other than the blocks is the quilt size. It must be no bigger than 160” in circumference, e.g., 40”x40," 20”x60," 30”x50," a 50” diameter circle, a hexagon with 25” sides.
The due date for the entries will be the August regular meeting event. The entries will be judged, and there will be prizes for the top three winners. So get those creative juices flowing and join the fun celebrating our hard won right to vote!
The chosen blocks will be sent to all members in a separate email. When you get it you will see that they are “old time patterns” from a long out-of-print book, 101 Patchwork Patterns by Ruby McKim. Be sure to read the descriptions!
See newletter for sample patterns
The only parameter for the challenge other than the blocks is the quilt size. It must be no bigger than 160” in circumference, e.g., 40”x40," 20”x60," 30”x50," a 50” diameter circle, a hexagon with 25” sides.
The due date for the entries will be the August regular meeting event. The entries will be judged, and there will be prizes for the top three winners. So get those creative juices flowing and join the fun celebrating our hard won right to vote!
The chosen blocks will be sent to all members in a separate email. When you get it you will see that they are “old time patterns” from a long out-of-print book, 101 Patchwork Patterns by Ruby McKim. Be sure to read the descriptions!
See newletter for sample patterns
February 2020 Sew In
WOW! What a fabulous turnout we had for Sew In. Outreach meets once a month all year but February is the “Big” event. Several estimates came in at 65-70 ladies sewing at one time or another during the day. Some left and new ones came in, keeping tables full and busy. We sewed, sewed, stuffed, talked, laughed, ate and sewed some more! A fabulous lunch was provided by Outreach’s in-house caterers, sweets and treats were brought in by members. The brown bag drawing was a huge success! Who doesn’t like new fabric and Hershey kisses! A grand time was had by all. Now for the boring statistics: Since January 1, 2020, Bayside members have made and delivered to our community organizations: 46 completed quilts, 31 Veteran’s Pillows, 28 place mats & bowl cozies, 36 burp cloths, 1 receiving blanket, 59 small pillows. We currently have approximately 30 quilts waiting for handwork, 63 tops to be quilted and 85 small pillows to be delivered. Plus, there are many quilt kits and handwork that went home with members and will be returned to Outreach. Ladies and gentleman, thank you so much!
January 8, 9:30 am
Our own Colette Metcalf, who came to the US from Dublin in 1965 will be sharing her 30 year quilting experience with us. Colette has served as a lecturer and quilt teacher. She has also organized some great tours to Ireland for the guild. It will be a treat to have her sharing her story with us along with her trunk show, "A Quilter's Journey".
Colette will also be selling her pre-cuts during the day of her lecture and on January 9th during her class. |
Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession
brought us a bit of down under with her trunk show in July.

Above is the sample Blackbird Fly which was the subject of our class.
Phyllis Hatcher: "Fabric Down Under: Aboriginal Dot Art in Quilts" Aboriginals in Australia have created dot art designs for thousands of years. See how the current indigenous outback artists are the creators of fabric designs now used by quilters, sewers, and decorators everywhere. Phyllis will explain the meaning of the fabric designs as they relate to Aboriginal culture and real life in the desert outback where she has recently visited several times. Over 30 actual fabrics will be on display and examined. |
Don't forget Star Cut Ups workshop with Alice Kish on Thursday June 13, 9:30AM -4:00PM
February is all about the heart.
Bayside always chooses February as the sew-in month. The guild meeting is devoted to the creation of kits, the sewing of quilts, pillows, burp cloths, and walker bags. Some come with machines, some come to finish off the projects with hand sewing. At the end of the day, everyone is pleased with a job well done.

According to the Fiber Arts Center for the Eastern Shore:
Provides Instruction: Quilting
Service Provider: Historic Documentation and Appraisals
Kay began her quilting journey 30 years ago when she first made an Amish crib quilt for her newborn daughter. The quilting stitches of that little Amish quilt were real toe catchers, but that first project fueled a lifelong passion of quilt adventures and quilting projects. Kay is a past president of the Heartland Quilt Guild of the Eastern Shore and the Helping Hands Quilt Guild of Dover. She is presently a member of five quilt guilds! She is an avid antique quilt collector, quilt historian and conservator and is a member of the American Quilt Study Group. She has taught in the Caroline County School for 31 years and is now embracing her retirement years teaching the next generation about quilting. Kay enjoys making patterns from antique quilts and reproduces those patterns with modern fabrics.
I am personally looking forward to what Kay will bring to the meeting. Kay is both an avid traveler and collector of antique and vintage quilts. She has reproduced many patterns of known quilts for those that like to applique. I like to collect her patterns for my "someday". I can also personally recommend Kay as a teacher. She was generous in allowing me to sit in on one of her early classes and I count her as my first real quilt quilt teacher. Kay will wow us with whatever she brings having recently had a quilt displayed at the Houston Show.
How Do I Quilt This?
Visiting us this month is the Eastern Shore's own Jane Hauptrich. Jane is a National Handi Quilter Educator. With 5 rulers on the market and several different whole cloth quilting panels available to practice skills, she has been busy helping other quilters learn to improve their techniques. She also has the patience to help those of us who are just sticking our toes in the water and want to try using our own domestic machines. Jane has developed her skills into prize winning techniques and does custom quilting along with teaching. She has her own website at
Bus Trip to DAR October 16, 2018
Many thanks to Kate Oursler, who organized the fantastic bus trip to the DAR. Forty members, I think I heard one was a guest, took advantage of the day which was bright and sunny if just a hair nippy, But who cared? Most of the day was indoors. The group was split in two parts with one touring the museum and library and the other being presented a portion of the quilt collection. No drooling was allowed on the quilts but they were drool worthy, and inspired just a touch of quilt envy. Period rooms and furniture feature throughout the museum with an emphasis on the home arts. If you have never been it is worth the trip.
Have you used a podcast to learn a new technique? Have you been to a blog to learn the news of a favorite quilter? (No, this is not a new corner bar). Do you think you could take an idea and develop a tutorial to share or are you searching for one? Do you think app stands for an Advanced Placement Program, the Asia-Pacific Partnership, The Associated Press of Pakistan, or the Association of Professional Piercers? Our own Tyra Wingard will be our tour guide to using the internet as a resource for quilting websites. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own devices and or paper and pen to interact and share their favorite resources with the group.
September 12, 2018 we were fortunate to see the collection of Margaret Hostetter. Margaret was not able to be with us herself from her Pennsylvania home, but her trunk show was presented by someone near and dear to her, her daughter Candy Stiffler. Candy is a proud member of the Bayside Quilters and owner of the Quilt Vine in Trappe, Maryland.
Margaret proved to be a prodigious quilter. In her twenty years of quilting she has produced quilts that reflect the styles and trends of the times. Many of her quilts were quilted by Candy,
who is a long arm quilter. Included below are a sample in pictures of the quilts we enjoyed.
September 12, 2018 we were fortunate to see the collection of Margaret Hostetter. Margaret was not able to be with us herself from her Pennsylvania home, but her trunk show was presented by someone near and dear to her, her daughter Candy Stiffler. Candy is a proud member of the Bayside Quilters and owner of the Quilt Vine in Trappe, Maryland.
Margaret proved to be a prodigious quilter. In her twenty years of quilting she has produced quilts that reflect the styles and trends of the times. Many of her quilts were quilted by Candy,
who is a long arm quilter. Included below are a sample in pictures of the quilts we enjoyed.
August Luncheon
The tables were set.
Some made sure to keep busy.
Lots of yummy.
Fabulous door prize.
Be sure you get your ticket!
Always the meeting of great minds.
The Swearing in Ceremony
Swearing on the Quilts by our leaders.
Oxford Community Center
St. Paul's Church John Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church
Oxford Volunteer Fire Company

The Oxford Fire department (located next door to Oxford Community Center) has generously donated their engine bay for our vendor mall.
If you're interested in selling your products in our show, please download our entry form bottom right. If you would like more information, please email Madi Yates, [email protected]